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Amy Chadwick
I followed the steps to export the oca spaces where my work is kept .However i dont get the option to export as a zip file just a xml file . which then does not open or contain anything .How do i save the work to my computer ? and is the only way to look at it again to pay for wordpress?
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Amy Chadwick


I have worked hard so far and produced a lot of posts which I want to be able to have acces to after I finish my course.  I understand that access to spaces ceases after 1 month.  What is the best way to download work for future reference, please?

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Amy Chadwick
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Amy Chadwick
 i was using it two days ago and all was fine  now i just get a white screen . I have tried  entering the site many different ways. I just get a white screen where the Padlets should be ..I am in the middle of a puece of work using them so this is really frustrating.

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Amy Chadwick
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Stephen Highfield
hello i have had no issues logging in to my account until this this morning i get the message " your sign in settings don't meet your organisations 2 step policy" whenever i try to log in i am really a nervous wreck and anxious to amend this issue, i just checked that apparenly i had to set up a two factor authentication but was completely unaware of this, if anyone can help me please help otherwise i wont be able to hand in my assignment.
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Apologies if this question is not for OCA tech support, but I cant get my laptop camera to work since my first google meet video call with my tutor, and she said this was a fairly common thing she had come across.  Is there anything you can advise me to do?  I have tried everything to enable the camera but nothing has worked so far.  I am using an Asus laptop, 64-bit Windows, Windows 11 Home.
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Another issue.  Going through the section, reflect, propose, plan.  Click the link after exercise 1 (Mindfulness section).  The link has been linked incorrectly.  Clicking the virtual guided meditation, it takes  you to an app which eventually you have to pay for.

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Stephen Highfield
Hi again,

Illustration 3 old codes and descriptions do not match up with Learning Outcomes for new course structure.  I have just started Illustration 3.1 - Practice and Research.  If you go to the Learning outcomes you have to guess which one this relates to. I can't match the code, since there isn't a code on Illustration 3.1.  See screen shot for what you have to choose for learning outcomes. 

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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield

Initially I couldn't access the reading list page for Illustration 3.1.  This has been fixed as it was a general issue.  Now I cannot access the documents.  It states 'OU Authorisation denied' when I click through to any of the reading matter.  Please see screen shots.  

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Stephen Highfield
1 / 2
15 Jul

Hi there, I have recently been granted an extension to PH6CAA due to poor health, but it seems I no longer have the necessary permissions to access the Context and Audience Forum. When clicking on the page’s ‘continue’ button a new page opens with the cryptic message ‘parameter missing…’

Thank you.

Very best,


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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I wrote my Critical Review in my Learning Log but now need to submit it for assessment and plagiarism checks which calls for it to be a Pdf. All the advice online refers to a Plugin but that button is not available on the Dashboard. Please help.
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Stephen Highfield

Copy cat challenge

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Stephen Highfield
Are you able to see if my post was added correctly?As not sure I loaded it ok ? Thanks Claire
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Stephen Highfield
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Stephen Highfield
I am trying to access the student lead group sessions, I am currently on the module Challenging genres, and the image I have up loaded is all I get, I can’t see the date, time, or even join can anyone help?

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Stephen Highfield

Creating bookmarks

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Hi. Is there any way of bookmarking sections within courses so that you can easily find significant content again in the future? If not what is the recommended way of ensuring you can find particular information again amongst the multitude of (induction) courses that are provided? Thanks
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Hi there, I am a student that is restarting my course. I am an OCA email address and password, which gets me onto  the learn.oca.ac.uk site but not on to the Google Drive - the password is not identified. I need to reset my password and need somebody to help me! I am not able to start my course without this.

Many Thanks Kirsty

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Stephen Highfield

Microsoft 365

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Stephen Highfield
I would like to know if there is an option to having full free access to Microsoft 365 for students and not just the web version?
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I booked a call with student support through the OCA website today. I thought I was booking for 9.50 on Monday (which was what the website showed) but the confirmation email shows a calendar entry at 14.50 and shows the 9.50am as being Eastern Time! 
So now I'm not sure whether the website or the email has the correct time...
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
My tutor says that those who were not able to attend yesterday can access after the event - but clicking the link says I have no access. The course is a short course - Psychogeography, Tutor  Garry Clarkson. The zoom may disappear after a couple of days so I would be grateful if you would expedite access please. Zoom meet took place on 20th Feb 24. 
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
My tutor says that those who were not able to attend yesterday can access after the event - but clicking the link says I have no access. The course is a short course - Psychogeography, Tutor  Garry Clarkson. The zoom may disappear after a couple of days so I would be grateful if you would expedite access please. 
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Stephen Highfield
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Stephen Highfield
I've tried multiple times, and keep getting an error that says the form isn't complete, but I have completed every field.  I've attached a photo, showing the error message, and one of the Site Names and Site Titles I tried.  I tried multiple different Site Names, as I thought perhaps my name is common enough that the names I was trying weren't available. I also tried just putting spaces, rather than dashes, and still got the error.

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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield

Please how do I create a URL or Web link for selected posts from my learning log into a new document. 

 I want to submit them for my assessment. Thanks

Peter Adepoju 

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Stephen Highfield

ideas lab content

On Ideas Lab unit are 5 themes . Do they each have 4 Exercises. On the DIY one I can only get to Exercise 2 is this all there is?  Also cannot access OU library or are we still using OCA library.?
0 replies

No unit access

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Stephen Highfield

I've also completed the January induction (which finished yesterday, 15 January) and stated yes, I want to continue but still have no access to my next unit on OCA Learn or received any emails about when it will be uploaded. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!


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Stephen Highfield

No unit access

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Stephen Highfield
Hello TEL team and fellow students,

 I've noticed the forum being active more than lately, the main common post being 'no unit access', I was also part of the January intake, had ticked the 'yes I want to continue' box, and have yet to see the unit course material pop up on my OCA Learn page. 

 Hope to have a reply or some update on this issue soon! Thank you for your time!

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Stephen Highfield

No unit access

1 reply
Stephen Highfield

I also completed the January induction (which finished yesterday) and voted yes to continuing but there is still no access to my next unit on OCA Learn or any emails about it. Please let me know when this will be available?



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Stephen Highfield

No unit access

I'm in the January intake and was expecting to be able to access my next unit this morning but as of yet it isn't showing on OCA learn. Is there a set time when my next unit will be available? I'm waiting on Photography 1.2. Thanks.
0 replies

Learning log

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Stephen Highfield
Hello, really struggling to set up a learning log every time I click on the link it just says I cant enroll on a course.

Is there a link to the website or software I need to use to set this up?

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Stephen Highfield
Hello everyone,

I am trying to upload my work for one of the induction creative challenges, but this message appears:

Invalid course module ID

 If I click on more information, I get redirected to this link: 

I am not sure I understand what to do, can someone please help?

Thanks a lot in advance,


0 replies


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Stephen Highfield
unable to log into some books in the library 
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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I am struggling to access the library and have followed the instructions given, to log out of all google accounts, clear cache & cookies, use a different browser but I still always get the following error message.  Can you help please.  Thank you Tina Harvey

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Stephen Highfield

OCA Spaces

1 reply
Stephen Highfield

I can't log onto OCA Spaces, a 403 error code keeps appearing, which means I cannot create my learning log.  

Many thanks


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Stephen Highfield
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Stephen Highfield


Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I can't access the link from Illustration 2.1 Project 2 via the OU library: Michel Golec essay in Heller, S, The Education of a Graphic Designer. I get "Error: app not enabled for user" 

I'm definitely logged into the OU library and I came straight from the Reading List in the online course unit.


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Stephen Highfield
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Stephen Highfield
I am registered for 1.2 Practice and Process on the BA in Photography but am not getting notifications of tutorials and workshops to my calendar.  Can you help? 


Richard Thorn

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Stephen Highfield
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Stephen Highfield

Hi there,

I have just recently enrolled in Graphic Design with OCA. I’ve paid my first deposit and set up instalments, received my email and log in etc. however I’m not sure if this means I’ve paid for my first unit or just my general enrolment in the course? 

When I go into the Graphic Course thing on OCA Learn and try to click into the materials for Level 1 it pops up saying I can’t enrol myself in it and need to enrol first. 

I have searched and searched and cannot for the life of me find how to enrol in the unit anywhere. 

Would appreciate some advice from someone who has begun their learning.

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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield

I have a problem with Padlet, which is not showing anything in the dashboard.  I can still see my work on my mobile app, but not on the desktop.  Thinking it might be a problem with the desktop app for Mac, I went to reinstall.  The app is not showing as being available for desktop computers, only iPhone and iPad. 

Any ideas what's happening here?  It appears that I'm not the only student with this issue.


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Stephen Highfield

Zoom issues

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Stephen Highfield
I too am having issues joining the calls, any tips appreciated.
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Stephen Highfield

Zoom problems

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Stephen Highfield
I have used zoom for years but I cannot get into meetings on my course, (Photography as Language),  I have an oca gmail account set up and have uninstalled my original zoom and reinstalled it but it does not solve the problem.  Can anyone help?  I have now missed two weeks of group meetings with the tutor and am not happy.
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Stephen Highfield

microsoft office

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Stephen Highfield

Something went wrong

We're sorry, sign-in isn't working right now. But we're on it! Please try again later.
If this problem persists, contact your support team and include these technical details:
Correlation ID: f076e3a0-a0a2-7000-5f12-913481f503e8
Date and Time: 10/12/2023 11:59:37 AM
URL: https://opencollegearts-my.sharepoint.com/person.aspx
Issue Type: Unknown issue.

Was using powerpoint no problem, changed to word, have written 750 words, tried to download a copy, and i got this error. Can no longer access my autumn assessment written review. I am panicking. 
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Stephen Highfield

Microsoft 365

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Stephen Highfield
I tried to follow the advice about downloading, or at least using Microsoft 365 but when I tried to login via google I had this message

"Request Id: 4e7c9539-b311-47c1-903b-446234226400

Correlation Id: 6f2c5c16-9699-42a8-8d83-2d5abbfc0c17

Timestamp: 2023-10-06T14:58:23Z

Message: AADSTS51004: The user account cecilia532611@oca.ac.uk does not exist in the 5b854f90-1dea-4e8d-880f-0acf34b7efa3 directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory."

any ideas? Thanks

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Stephen Highfield

Posting to an open forum

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Stephen Highfield
I have been asked to share a reflection on the Music 1.1 Assessment 3 Forum: https://learn.oca.ac.uk/mod/hsuforum/discuss.php?d=4856

I can't see how to add anything.  Am I missing something? I see that no one else has submitted anything either!

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Stephen Highfield

Induction completion activity

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Stephen Highfield
I have completed or at least tried to complete the OCA student handbook which says I have two outstanding activities to complete aswell as the student handbook OU saying I have 7 activities to complete, but I cannot see where I need to complete these. Been through these handbooks countless times and perplexed as what I need to do. 

Some help please.

Thank you

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Stephen Highfield

Creative Conversations

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Stephen Highfield
I have tried to access the CC Forum and get the message "You do not have the permission to view discussions in this forum." Why not?
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Stephen Highfield

missing padlets

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Stephen Highfield

i created 2 Padlets yesterday inline with the induction activities and today i cant find them, does anyone know why or where they may have gone? 



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Stephen Highfield

Exporting a site archive

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Stephen Highfield
I'm looking to download an archive of my entire Spaces site, but exporting all content simply returns the database xml describing all the posts and media, not the actual content itself. I can't see any option to install plugins to download the site as a zip (as many tutorials suggest), so I was wondering if the IT team could export/zip the site internally and send it to my OCA email account?
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Stephen Highfield

OCA Spaces - no site traffic

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Good afternoon

It appears, according to the installed Jetpack, that I get no traffic at all to my blog.  Is there something I have turned off by accident that is preventing traffic ?  Appreciate if someone could take a look and help me. 


I have been to Settings>Reading and it is set to Allow search engines to index this site



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Stephen Highfield
1 reply
Stephen Highfield
We are supposed to add an image and a reflection to a Media Gallery as part of Project 8.  When I go to the gallery it tells me it is full and you can't add any more images.  Any ideas what to do?

Richard Thorn

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Stephen Highfield

How to change my OCA Spaces template?

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
When I first created my OCA spaces blog template I think I chose the wrong template because I only have 6 units and assignments while my course has 10. Can I change my template after I have completed my blog?
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Stephen Highfield

Failed login

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Stephen Highfield
I am having trouble accessing OCA Learn. Two of my browsers are reporting The login attempt failed. The email address is not allowed at this site. I have managed to get in now only by using a new browser. Any suggestions? 
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Stephen Highfield

Web site links not accessible?

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Stephen Highfield
Hi, I'm preparing the learning log links for assessment and have printed the individual links onto a word document. However, when I click on the links, they are showing as website/address not recognised? I have tried adding/removing the 'www' before the spaces.oca.ac.ukaddresshere to no avail. Is this because you have to be logged into the Spaces platform to be able to access please? I'm worried that the assessors will not be able to view my work. Thanks
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Stephen Highfield

Wordpress Grid Layout

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Stephen Highfield
Can someone please tell me how I can display all my posts on each catagory page in grid layout with thumbnail and preview text, rather than the default list option. I think list of posts are asthetically ugly and I would rather someone land on my learning log and see all available posts with header pictures rather than having to scroll down to find each post.

Ive looked through the entire theme settings and just cannot find the option, maybe I need to change themes?

Any help appreciated https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/leejameswebb


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Stephen Highfield

Experiment with Images Gallery not accessible

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I am unable to add my Text and Image to this Gallery as it says the maximum number of items have been added. I'm not the first to have encountered this problem.

Could someone from Tech edit the Gallery so that more images can be added? It is part of the Groupwork on my course.
Many thanks.
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Stephen Highfield

Google Calendar

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Can someone from tech answer this query about google calendar please.

When I use my google calendar to plan and organise my work it appears that it also becomes available on other google calendars in the photography section for example the tutor led events. Please tell me that if i add something to my own google calendar it is not visible to everyone on the course?

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Stephen Highfield

Visible course progress on website MIA

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
My tutor assures me his end has my progress correct, however my side has lost it. 

I’m not losing sleep over it or anything, just a bit of an anomaly.

I’ve just submitted part 4…


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Stephen Highfield

Notify subscribers about new posts

1 reply
Stephen Highfield

A couple of friends are interested in my learning log and have subscribed to the blog using the subscribe2 plugin which is active by default. However, they don't seem to have received a "confirm subscription" email, nor are they getting notifications about new posts. 

I assume I'm doing something wrong, but any idea what?

Thanks, kind regards,


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Stephen Highfield

Feedback - official form

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Hi all, following recent changes to the assignment submission process, I have been asked by my tutor to complete my comments on our recent feedback session using the “official feedback form”, but I cannot find this anywhere in OCA Learn. Does anybody have any ideas where to find this? Many thanks in advance.
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Stephen Highfield

My study notes

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Dear Stephen,

Thank you for replying, I am referring to my study notes, not my assignment. She wants to have access to the notes I write down while studying. I will attach the message she sent me, for you to know what am referring to. Thanks.

Kind Regards


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Stephen Highfield

My tutor has not received the link that I have created.

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I have logged in to OCA space and created my site and uploaded my work. But my tutor said she has not received any link from me. I have followed all the instructions, please have I missed a step I suppose to have done. Thanks.


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Stephen Highfield

Can not sign in to OCA space

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I have tried signing in to OCA space, but when I click to sign it takes me to this page. Please what can I do. Thanks.


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Stephen Highfield

Media not uploading to new learning log

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Trying to upload images/media to new learning log for 2nd unit /what paint does and it is not working. I can post text ok/create new posts, images are all in my google drive on oca but not uploading/media drive is blank, its not connected, cannot craeate gallery or add anything its seemingly not linked? Very frustrating. Anyone offer any help??
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Stephen Highfield

Adding own domain to OCA Spaces

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Stephen Highfield
Hi, I have my own domain name and wondered if its possible to add it to my OCA spaces blog so it would serve two purposes then.

Cheers, Mick

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Stephen Highfield

oca spaces

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Stephen Highfield

im a new student(foundation in drawing for art,textiles,fashion,design)and i am finding the sight difficult to navigate if im honest,but the main issue is that every time i try to log onto oca spaces my pc is coing up with an error message?im logged into google via my email adress so im stuck as to wht to do next?


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Stephen Highfield