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Induction completion activity

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
I have completed or at least tried to complete the OCA student handbook which says I have two outstanding activities to complete aswell as the student handbook OU saying I have 7 activities to complete, but I cannot see where I need to complete these. Been through these handbooks countless times and perplexed as what I need to do. 

Some help please.

Thank you

1 reply
  1. Re: Induction completion activity

    Dear Seyi,

    Thank you for your forum post.

    Since posting, you since appear to have completed the OCA Induction course.

    In regards to the Student Handbook OU course, there are several activities you'll need to manually mark as complete. You can do this by using the sections menu, located on the left of the course, to identify sections where your progress isn't 100% complete. Accessing these sections and navigating through the page, the activity completion for each activity is located in the upper right corner of each respective activity, and in instances where a grey tick icon is visible, can be selected and marked as complete.

    Should you find it helpful and available via the Tech Support, Guidance & Workshops course, the Activity Completion sub-chapter provides applicable guidance.

    Kind regards,
    Stephen Highfield | TEL Team
    Digital Content & Support Administrator