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Questions at the end of the Tech Guidence and support section

1 reply
Stephen Highfield
Not sure where I have gone wrong.

Answered the first page then went to the second page and it was the same questions, likewise on the third page

I have checked the ratings and comments but not missed anything. 

Help please

1 reply
  1. Re: Questions at the end of the Tech Guidence and support section

    Dear Chris,

    Thank you for your forum post.

    I assume you're referring to the Tech Support, Guidance & Workshops Feedback activity? If so, the first page is intended to focus on the contents of the available support and guidance, including how easy you found the guidance to follow, whether or not you found it applicable, and whether or not it answered any question(s) you may have had? The second page, while strikingly similar, is intended to focus on the user experience, focusing on how easy you found the course to navigate, whether the layout and structure was sufficient and easy to navigate, and whether or not you were able to easily find answers to any question(s) you may have had? Finally, the third page is an opportunity to provide any additional comment(s) and/or feedback you may have.

    On each occasion and before progressing onto the following page, you will need to provide a rating for each section, however, the following feedback and comments textbox is optional.

    As you'll be unable to respond to this forum post and if desired, please contact me directly via email, stephenhighfield@oca.ac.uk, and I'll be happy to mark the activity as complete on your behalf.

    Kind regards,
    Stephen Highfield | TEL Team
    Digital Content & Support Administrator