TEL Team Q&A Forum
Actively monitored by the TEL Team and suitable for posting any general IT questions, whereby the TEL Team will envisage to respond as soon as possible.
Please note that student replies are disabled and while this forum is monitored by the TEL Team, and we do aim to respond as soon as possible, there is no agreed service level response time. Additionally, this forum is also accessible to all students and no sensitive data should be posted, with students instead contacting the TEL Team via email at or directly via the Helpdesk.
81 discussions
Thank you
My Oca space does not have the project and assignment section, instead it has the part and assignment section, do I need to update.
I was able to create the site, but it seems I have the old version.

I have completed my level 1 course and I want to create another site for my level 2, but keeps saying site already exist.
My question is would I have to use the same "site name and site title I created for my level 1 for level 2 or I will have to create another "site name and site tile".

Many thanks.

I have some trouble opening office 365 on my computer.
I have installed the google chromes app and am logged into my OCA account on there.
I can find the app in the menue but when i click to open it, it says:
"no tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials."
I have no idea what that means and would be super grateful for some instructions or tipps on where I can find guidance on how to solve this problem...
Thank you so much!
I have worked hard so far and produced a lot of posts which I want to be able to have acces to after I finish my course. I understand that access to spaces ceases after 1 month. What is the best way to download work for future reference, please?

Illustration 3 old codes and descriptions do not match up with Learning Outcomes for new course structure. I have just started Illustration 3.1 - Practice and Research. If you go to the Learning outcomes you have to guess which one this relates to. I can't match the code, since there isn't a code on Illustration 3.1. See screen shot for what you have to choose for learning outcomes.

Initially I couldn't access the reading list page for Illustration 3.1. This has been fixed as it was a general issue. Now I cannot access the documents. It states 'OU Authorisation denied' when I click through to any of the reading matter. Please see screen shots.

How can this be fixed?

Many Thanks Kirsty
So now I'm not sure whether the website or the email has the correct time...

Please how do I create a URL or Web link for selected posts from my learning log into a new document.
I want to submit them for my assessment. Thanks
Peter Adepoju
I've also completed the January induction (which finished yesterday, 15 January) and stated yes, I want to continue but still have no access to my next unit on OCA Learn or received any emails about when it will be uploaded. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
I've noticed the forum being active more than lately, the main common post being 'no unit access', I was also part of the January intake, had ticked the 'yes I want to continue' box, and have yet to see the unit course material pop up on my OCA Learn page.
Hope to have a reply or some update on this issue soon! Thank you for your time!
I also completed the January induction (which finished yesterday) and voted yes to continuing but there is still no access to my next unit on OCA Learn or any emails about it. Please let me know when this will be available?
Is there a link to the website or software I need to use to set this up?
I am trying to upload my work for one of the induction creative challenges, but this message appears:
Invalid course module ID
If I click on more information, I get redirected to this link:
I am not sure I understand what to do, can someone please help?
Thanks a lot in advance,
I can't log onto OCA Spaces, a 403 error code keeps appearing, which means I cannot create my learning log.
Many thanks
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I can't access the link from Illustration 2.1 Project 2 via the OU library: Michel Golec essay in Heller, S, The Education of a Graphic Designer. I get "Error: app not enabled for user"
I'm definitely logged into the OU library and I came straight from the Reading List in the online course unit.
CA4ECA: Assignment Three: Understanding Interdisciplinarity (
Can you help please? Vicky
Richard Thorn
Hi there,
I have just recently enrolled in Graphic Design with OCA. I’ve paid my first deposit and set up instalments, received my email and log in etc. however I’m not sure if this means I’ve paid for my first unit or just my general enrolment in the course?
When I go into the Graphic Course thing on OCA Learn and try to click into the materials for Level 1 it pops up saying I can’t enrol myself in it and need to enrol first.
I have searched and searched and cannot for the life of me find how to enrol in the unit anywhere.
Would appreciate some advice from someone who has begun their learning.
I have a problem with Padlet, which is not showing anything in the dashboard. I can still see my work on my mobile app, but not on the desktop. Thinking it might be a problem with the desktop app for Mac, I went to reinstall. The app is not showing as being available for desktop computers, only iPhone and iPad.
Any ideas what's happening here? It appears that I'm not the only student with this issue.
Something went wrong
"Request Id: 4e7c9539-b311-47c1-903b-446234226400
Correlation Id: 6f2c5c16-9699-42a8-8d83-2d5abbfc0c17
Timestamp: 2023-10-06T14:58:23Z
Message: AADSTS51004: The user account does not exist in the 5b854f90-1dea-4e8d-880f-0acf34b7efa3 directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory."
any ideas? Thanks
I can't see how to add anything. Am I missing something? I see that no one else has submitted anything either!
Some help please.
Thank you
i created 2 Padlets yesterday inline with the induction activities and today i cant find them, does anyone know why or where they may have gone?
It appears, according to the installed Jetpack, that I get no traffic at all to my blog. Is there something I have turned off by accident that is preventing traffic ? Appreciate if someone could take a look and help me.
I have been to Settings>Reading and it is set to Allow search engines to index this site
Richard Thorn

Ive looked through the entire theme settings and just cannot find the option, maybe I need to change themes?
Any help appreciated
When I use my google calendar to plan and organise my work it appears that it also becomes available on other google calendars in the photography section for example the tutor led events. Please tell me that if i add something to my own google calendar it is not visible to everyone on the course?
I’m not losing sleep over it or anything, just a bit of an anomaly.
I’ve just submitted part 4…

A couple of friends are interested in my learning log and have subscribed to the blog using the subscribe2 plugin which is active by default. However, they don't seem to have received a "confirm subscription" email, nor are they getting notifications about new posts.
I assume I'm doing something wrong, but any idea what?
Thanks, kind regards,
Thank you for replying, I am referring to my study notes, not my assignment. She wants to have access to the notes I write down while studying. I will attach the message she sent me, for you to know what am referring to. Thanks.
Kind Regards

Cheers, Mick
im a new student(foundation in drawing for art,textiles,fashion,design)and i am finding the sight difficult to navigate if im honest,but the main issue is that every time i try to log onto oca spaces my pc is coing up with an error message?im logged into google via my email adress so im stuck as to wht to do next?