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OCA spaces trigger warning plugin?

2 replies
Stephen Highfield
HI I am writing a post (Photography 1.3) which includes an image which really needs a trigger warning.  Wordpress has a couple of free plugins that enable this but I don't seem to have the facility to load plugins onto Spaces.  Can you help or suggest an alternative approach?  
2 replies
  1. Re: OCA spaces trigger warning plugin?

    Dear Stewart,

    Thank you for your forum post.

    I would first recommend contacting Learner Support (learnersupport@oca.ac.uk) and establishing a best practice and whether or not a trigger warning would be suitable and/or sufficient. Thereafter, and should a trigger warning be suitable and sufficient, please contact ithelpdesk@oca.ac.uk, preferably providing any plugin suggestion(s) you may have, and we can discuss the matter further.

    Kind regards,
    Stephen Highfield | IT Services
    IT Services

    1 reply
  2. Re: OCA spaces trigger warning plugin?
    Hmm interesting response.  I will happily contact learner support although I suspect they have better things to do with their time. The image is similar to one contained within the 1.1 course materials which has a trigger warning and hence suggested to me one might be appropriate … I will be in touch 
