OCA Spaces Dictionary
This activity contains various technical terms and their respective description and explanation.
CategoriesAccessible via the WordPress Dashboard, categories are used to group related blog posts. For example, blog posts included in your first assignment submission should be categorised within both the 'Assignments' and 'Assignment 1' categories. For more information regarding categories, please visit the Categories & Menu sub-chapter. |
End UserAn end user is a fellow OCA student or tutor, for example, whom are intended to visit and view your learning log. |
Featured ImageAn optional image displayed and visible prior to accessing and above the contents of a blog post; see the screenshot below for an example in both instances.
Frontend EditorAlso referred to as the "Basic Editor", the Frontend Editor is widely regarded as the easier of the two available editors, but is limited in the functionality and creative capabilities. For more information regarding the Frontend Editor, please visit the Frontend Editor sub-chapter. |
Gutenberg EditorAlso referred to as the "Block Editor" and commonly seen amongst OCA students as the more complex of the two available editors, but does offer greater functionality and creative freedom, including the option to add and/or embed various media types including images, video, audio and files, For more information regarding the Gutenberg Editor, please visit the Gutenberg Editor sub-chapter. |
HomepageThe primary page for your learning log and the page accessible via your Domain Name. |
HTMLShort for HyperText Markup Language, HTML is the coding language used to help construct your learning log. To create and use a learning log using OCA Spaces, no HTML knowledge is required, although maybe beneficial to develop more advanced functions. |
HTML AnchorAn HTML Anchor can be used to create a link to a specific section, heading, image etc. within your blog post. This can be particularly useful when wanting to cite or reference a specific part, and not the whole of your post. HTML Anchors are only available when using the Gutenberg Editor. For more information and guidance regarding the use of HTML Anchors, please visit the HTML Anchors sub-chapter. |
Media LibraryA repository consisting of any and all uploaded media, including images, video, audio and files upto a maximum 64MB. The Media Library contains media uploaded using both the Gutenberg and Frontend Editor, and can also be used to make minor edits, such as cropping or rotating images. For more information regarding the Media Library, please visit the Media Library sub-chapter. |
MenuThe menu is the list of options available to end users, which can be used to navigate your learning log. Upon initially creating your learning log, your menu will, by default, contain a list of existing categories, such as 'Assignments' and 'Assignment 1' etc. |
PagesAccessible via the WordPress Dashboard, the 'Pages' section functions similarly to the 'Posts' section, however, Pages do not provide support for categorisation and therefore are unsuitable for use when creating a new blog post. When creating a new blog post, the TEL Team therefore recommends using the 'Posts' section. |
PostsAccessible via the WordPress Dashboard, the 'Posts' section can be used to create a new or access an existing blog post and make any subsequent changes. For more information regarding the Posts section, please visit the Gutenberg Editor sub-chapter. |
Site NameAlso referred to as the "Domain Name", the 'Site Name' refers to the URL used to navigate and access your learning log, and is determined by the 'Site Name' field when creating a learning log. By default, the domain name for anyone using OCA Spaces will begin "spaces.oca.ac.uk/", immediately followed by your chosen site name. For example, spaces.oca.ac.uk/[SiteName]. When entering a site name, only lowercase letters and numbers are permitted, uppercase letters, spaces ( ) and symbols are prohibited. You also do not need to include the "spaces.oca.ac.uk/" prefix in your text entry. The domain name is also the address required by anyone intending to access your learning log, such as your tutor, when submitting an assignment, for example. Tip: Entering or bookmarking your domain name is an easier and the quickest method of navigating to your learning log. |
SlugA slug refers to the URL extension and is commonly found when creating a new category or blog post, although by default, a slug isn't required in either instance and will assume the category or post title. Slugs are also restricted to lowercase letters and numbers, symbols and spaces ( ) are also prohibited. An example of a slug is as follows; spaces.oca.ac.uk/[SiteName]/[Slug]. |
TagsAn optional field available when creating a new blog post, and can be used to identify key searchable terms, such as an artist's name, which an end-user can then use to find appropriate blog posts. |
TemplateWhen creating a new learning log, students will need to select a template. OCA provides several template options, each differing depending on the unit and/or degree, with categories suited to different units. Besides the available categories and selected theme - although both can be later amended - there are no further differences between any of the templates. |
ThemeUsed to alter the appearance, layout, typography, colour and other design elements of your learning log, and it not to be confused with the template selected when initially creating your learning log. OCA provides several various themes which students are free to continuously switch between and use based on their preference. |
URLShort for Uniform Resource Locator, and is an alternate and abbreviation for domain name. |
UserDepending on your chosen Privacy Settings, can influence who can and cannot access your learning log. Each user is assigned a 'Role' with the roles defined as follows;
WordPress DashboardThe backend administration page, where the you can find the various settings for your learning log, including but not limited to, creating and editing content using the Gutenberg Editor, accessing, creating or deleting categories, changing or amending the theme and changing your learning logs privacy setting. For more information regarding the WordPress Dashboard, please visit the WordPress Dashboard sub-chapter. Additionally, for guidance on how to access the WordPress Dashboard, please visit the Accessing & Linking your Learning Log sub-chapter. |