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Short for Uniform Resource Locator, and is an alternate and abbreviation for domain name.


Depending on your chosen Privacy Settings, can influence who can and cannot access your learning log. Each user is assigned a 'Role' with the roles defined as follows;

  • Administrator: The most powerful role and allows the specific user to control all aspects of your learning log. This role should be reserved solely for the owner of the learning log.
  • Editor: Allows the specific user to create, access, edit, publish, delete and further moderate any and all blog post(s).
  • Author: Allows the specific user to create, edit and publish any and all blog post(s) owned or created by themselves. Notable prevents access to blog post(s) not owned or created by others.
  • Contributor: Allows the specific user to create and edit any and all blog post(s) owned or created by themselves. Notably, they cannot publish a blog post in any capacity nor access any and all blog post(s) owned or created by others.
  • Subscriber: Cannot access or amend any administrative settings or blog posts in any capacity, and is solely for the purpose of viewing the learning log. Recommended for use across all users, such as your tutor, with the exception of the owner of the respective learning log. 

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