Assessment Schedule
This activity contains the key dates and deadlines for recent and upcoming undergraduate assessment events at the OCA, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the different dates and deadlines.
What do the different dates in the schedule mean?
Unit completed by: This is the date by which you need to have your unit completed in order to be invited to a given assessment event. Remember, completion is defined as submitting all assignments to your tutor, and having received all tutor feedback reports.
Invitation to event by: If eligible for the given event, this is the latest date by which you would receive your invitation to submit for assessment.
Deadline for submission: This is the last day and time which you will be able to submit your work for assessment. Please note that any work submitted outside the deadline for submission dates and times cannot be accepted without penalty (see below).
Unit results sent by: You should expect to receive the assessment unit results from a given event by no later than this date. These will be sent to you by email to your OCA email address.
Diploma Supplement sent by: This is the date by which you can expect to receive your Diploma Supplement (should you be graduating or exiting with an award). This document includes the Transcript and for graduates will confirm the degree classification.
Certificates posted by OU: This is the date by which you can expect to receive your certificates (should you be graduating or exiting with an award). This is the formal award certification and is posted out to graduates and students exiting with exit award eg Cert/Dip HE.
Transcript sent by OCA: This is the date by which you can expect to receive a transcript from the OCA (should you be completing Stage 1 or Stage 2). This is a new requirement under OU validation and these are sent to students on achieving credits for Stage 1 (HE4) or Stage 2 (HE5).