We develop and apply creative and technical skills to critically explore the role of photography. As an open-access and flexible distance learning degree, we are a creative community of students and tutors coming together to share unique ideas and work.
- Programme Leader: Unit Admin
- Programme Leader: Louise Cunningham
- Programme Leader: Emma Jackson
- Programme Leader: Christian Lloyd
- Programme Leader: Moira Lovell
- Programme Leader: Gina Lundy
- Programme Leader: Dan Robinson
- Programme Leader: Edward Smith
- Programme Leader: Paul Vincent
- Programme Tutor: Robert Bloomfield
- Programme Tutor: BAPH Connect
- Tutor: Garry Clarkson
- Tutor: Chris Coekin
- Tutor: Andrew Conroy
- Tutor: Robert Enoch
- Tutor: Lorentz Gullachsen
- Tutor: Andy Hughes
- Tutor: Andrew Langford
- Tutor: Ruth Maclennan
- Tutor: Roberta McGrath
- Tutor: Wendy McMurdo
- Tutor: Les Monaghan
- Tutor: Russell Murray
- Tutor: Andrea Norrington
- Tutor: Colin Pantall
- Tutor: Keith Roberts
- Tutor: Arpita Shah
- Tutor: Rachel Smith
- Tutor: Jayne Taylor
- Tutor: Derek Trillo
- Tutor: Helen Warburton
- Tutor: Clive White
- Tutor: Matthew White
- Tutor: Katrina Whitehead
- Tutor: Matt Winterlich
- Tutor: Dave Wyatt
- Tutor: Ariadne Xenou