OCA Spaces Support & Guidance

Accessing & Linking your Learning Log

Accessing your Learning Log

Upon creating your learning log, there are three methods in which you can later access it;

  1. From the OCA Spaces homepage, you can hover over the profile icon - located in the upper right corner - and select the ‘My Sites’ option from the dropdown menu. On the following page you’ll then find a list of your site(s). Selecting any of the listed sites will take you to your learning log homepage; the equivalent of selecting the ‘Visit Site’ option as outlined below. 
  2. Alternatively, from any page within OCA Spaces, you can hover over the ‘My Sites’ option - located in the upper left corner - subsequently hover over the name of your site, and select either; 
      1. Visit Site: Selecting the ‘Visit Site’ option will allow you to access your learning log homepage, like your tutor or fellow student would do, for instance. The outcome is also identical to following step one. 
      2. Dashboard: Selecting the ‘Dashboard’ option will take you to the WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Lastly and the quickest option to access your learning log would be to enter your learning log domain name in the address bar. This will consist of spaces.oca.ac.uk/[Site Name]. You may also wish to bookmark this address for quick access in the future. 

Linking your Learning Log

There are likely several instances where you’ll need to provide a link to your learning log, such as when submitting an assignment or providing access to a fellow student, for instance.

To provide a link to your learning log, first follow either step 1 or 2a as outlined above. Upon accessing your learning log from the frontend and providing your blog posts are appropriately categorised, you can then copy the entire URL. In the event your blog posts aren’t categorised - which the TEL Team highly recommends against - you may wish to navigate to the appropriate blog post(s) and copy the entire URL.

A domain name should take the following format; spaces.oca.ac.uk/[Site Name] and/or spaces.oca.ac.uk/[Site Name]/[[Category]/[Sub-Category]/[Post Title]. For example; spaces.oca.ac.uk/example-learning-log/assignments/assignment-3/example-blog-post.

Links to pages within the WordPress Dashboard, and identifiable by "/wp-admin" in the URL, will be inaccessible to anyone other than yourself, and should therefore not be sent to others.