Google Support & Guidance

Signing into your OCA Email Account

Google & OCA email account

Your OCA email account uses Google Education and you’ll therefore need to use Google to sign into your OCA email account. If you haven't already done so, the TEL Team strongly recommends reading the information available in Google Homepage Interface chapter and familiarising yourself with the Google homepage before continuing. 

This sub-chapter is divided into two parts and contains information applicable to both Desktop & Laptop Users, whom don’t have or aren’t signed into an existing Google account and should therefore continue to the first Single Google Account heading, and those who have and are signed into an existing Google account(s) and should therefore continue to the first Multiple Google Account(s) heading.

Furthermore, this sub-chapter also contains information applicable to Mobile & Tablet users, whom too don't have and aren't signed into an existing Google account and should therefore continue to the second Single Google Account heading, and those who have and are signed into an existing Google account(s) and should therefore continue to the second Multiple Google Account(s) heading.

Desktop & Laptop Users

Single Google Account

Signing In

Providing you don’t have or aren’t signed into an existing Google account, such as a personal Google account, you can access the Google homepage and select the blue ‘Login’ option - located in the upper right corner - where you’ll then be prompted to sign in using your OCA email address and password, both of which are available in your welcome email.

Signed In

Once signed into your OCA email account, you’ll be mandated to change your password to something more secure and familiar to yourself, subsequently followed by enabling Two Factor Authentication.

Multiple Google Account(s)

Signing In

In the event you have and are signed into another Google account(s), you can sign into your OCA email account by visiting the Google homepage and selecting the profile icon - located in the upper right - followed by the ‘Add Another Account’ option. Upon selecting this option, you’ll be prompted to sign in using your OCA email address and password, both of which are available in your welcome email.

For information regarding navigating the Google Homepage, please refer to the Google Homepage Interface chapter.

Alternatively, students using Google Chrome may wish to create a separate Google Chrome Profile, which can be used to keep your Google accounts and associated data separate.

Switching Accounts

Having successfully signed into another account and needing to transition between different Google accounts - for the purpose of accessing Google Mail or Google Drive, for instance - visit the Google homepage and select the profile icon - located in the upper right corner - where you can then select the appropriate account from the list of signed in users.

Selecting a different account is reflected by the different profile picture, which when selected, will display the name and email address associated with the selected and current Google account.

For information regarding navigating the Google Homepage, please refer to the Google Homepage Interface chapter.

As mentioned above and an alternative to switching between multiple Google accounts would be to use Google Chrome Profiles, which can be used to keep your Google accounts and associated data separate.

Signed In

Once signed into your OCA email account, you’ll be mandated to change your password to something more secure and familiar to yourself, subsequently followed by enabling Two Factor Authentication.

Google Chrome & Supported Browsers

Where possible, the TEL Team would greatly recommend using Google Chrome over any other web browser, and cannot otherwise guarantee compatibility with certain features, such as embedded Panopto video available within OCA Learn.

Google Chrome Profiles

Students using Google Chrome with multiple Google accounts may wish to create a new and separate Google Chrome Profile. This will allow you to keep your Google accounts and associated information, such as bookmarks, search history and saved passwords, separate. This will greatly help when logging into other OCA facilities, such as OCA Learn and OCA Spaces, as you’ll be automatically signed in and won’t need to select your OCA email account, thus greatly reducing the likelihood of encountering any issues when signing into any OCA facility.

For information regarding navigating the Google Homepage, please refer to the Google Homepage Interface chapter. And for more information and guidance on creating Google Chrome Profiles, please visit the following Google Support page.

Mobile & Tablet Users

As mentioned above, the TEL Team would also recommend mobile and tablet users also use the Google Chrome application, available for free on both Android and iOS.

Single Google Account

With the Google Chrome application downloaded and installed, navigate to the Google homepage and again select the profile icon, located in the upper right corner, whereby you'll be prompted to sign in using your OCA email address and password; both of which are available in your welcome email.

Multiple Google Account(s)

Unfortunately, Google Chrome Profiles aren't supported on either application and students using an existing Google account should therefore access their Google Account Options and select the 'Add Account' option, whereby you'll be prompted to sign in using your OCA email address and password, both of which are available in your welcome email.

Upon accessing any OCA facility, such as OCA Learn or OCA Spaces, users signed into multiple Google accounts will be prompted to select their OCA email account from a list of signed in users.