Guidance on preparing your submission

1. A selection of entries from your learning log

1.1. Exercise: Selecting entries from your learning log

“I appreciated the greater demands on our judgement. It made me think more about my work, go back through the discussions with my tutor too.” – OCA Student

You are asked to present a selection of entries from your learning log structured around your learning outcomes. We are asking for a selection, rather than your whole learning log, to make the assessment process more focused. This is to help assessors spend more time on what needs to be assessed, and for students to reflect on their learning experiences, and signpost the key stages of their development.

  1. Identify your learning outcomes. Your course will usually have four or five distinct learning outcomes. These are available in the Learning outcomes & subject specific guidance.
  2. Interpret the learning outcomes. Where have you covered these topics in your course? There might be a specific assignment or project that evidences a particular outcome, or you may have worked on this theme throughout the course. 
  3. Make a selection of learning log entries. Which entries do you feel best support the stated learning outcomes? Select between 2 or 3 entries per learning outcome. 
  4. Document your learning log entries. Depending on the format of your learning log, you can do this by scanning, videoing, or photographing physical learning log entries, typing up handwritten notes, or copying the URL, or web address, of individual blog post entries.

It can be useful to look at how other students have prepared for assessment by viewing student stories on the WeAreOCA blog.