Tech Workshop Recording Archive

Site: OCA Learn
Course: Tech Support, Guidance & Workshops
Book: Tech Workshop Recording Archive
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Sunday, 8 September 2024, 1:47 AM


This Book activity contains all previous TEL Te‍ch Workshop recordings.

T‍ech Workshop: April 25th 2023

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from April 25th.


This workshop opens with a demonstration of OCA Learn and how to submit assignments, before progressing onto the use of OCA Spaces, including how to create a learning log, use both the Frontend or Gutenberg Editor, and how to customise your learning log, before concluding with several non subject specific questions.

Additional Notes


T‍ech Workshop: December 6th 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from December 6th.


This workshop opens with a demonstration including various aspects of OCA Spaces, including the use of the Gutenberg Editor, the key advantages of using a 'Gallery' block over an 'Image' block and the available block settings, and amendmending categories. Additionally, various aspects of Padlet, including the available sharing options, are also discussed.

Immediately following the demonstration segment, the workshop then progresses into a Q&A segment involving the students in attendance.

Additional Notes


T‍ech Workshop: November 23rd 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from November 23rd.


This workshop opens with a demonstration including the following segments;

  • OCA Student Association: How to access and sign into the Student Association website.
  • Google Drive & Meet: An overview of Google Drive and available integrated applications such as Google Documents, Sheets and Slides. Also includes a brief demonstration regarding how to start or host a Google Meet, including screen sharing.
  • OCA Learn: How to use the search functionality and submitting an assignment.
  • OCA Spaces: Finding fellow students, creating a new learning log and the Frontend and Gutenberg Editors.
  • Panopto: Usecases, recording, uploading and embedding media.
  • Padlet: How to access, creating a new Padlet, privacy settings and available filters.

Immediately following the demonstration segment, the workshop then progresses into a Q&A segment involving the students in attendance.

Additional Notes


T‍ech Workshop: October 26th 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from October 26th.


This workshop opens with a demonstration including the following segments;

  • OCA Learn: Using the search function, accessibility options and how to submit an assignment.
  • Google Drive: Introduction and example use cases, creating and uploading documents, sharing and embedding uploaded files and documents.
  • Panopto: Introduction and example use cases, uploading and recording media, embedding media.
  • OCA Spaces: Introduction, creating a new learning log, overview and demonstration of both the Frontend and Gutenberg editor, embedding media and font colours.

Immediately following the demonstration segment, the workshop then progresses into a Q&A segment involving the students in attendance.

Additional Notes

At 1:20:31 where a question is raised regarding how to indent text using the Gutenberg Editor; this can be achieved by inserting a 'Classic Block' and adding your text as standard. With the desired text added and then selected, next select the 'Increase Indent' option, located on the bottom row and fourth icon from the right.

T‍ech Workshop: September 12th 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from September 12th.


This workshop opens with a recap of previous workshops, including signing into your OCA email account and other OCA facilities, followed by a basic overview and use cases of OCA Learn, OCA Spaces and Panopto, before moving onto a brief Q&A segment with students in attendance.

Additional Notes

At 16:35 where I reference a "2020/21" learning log template, this particular template has been renamed and is referred to as "Undergraduate Learning Log Template" and is the default template when creating a new site within OCA Spaces. Students whose course materials contain ten projects and assignment should use this particular template. Students whose course contains five or six parts and assignments should use the "Learning Log (Level 1/HE4)" and "Learning Log (Level 2/HE5)" respectively.

At 18:11 where I encountered an "Your site is currently being set up. Please check back in a few minutes!" error message and would again later encountered the same error, this has since been resolved by allowing sufficient time for the site to be created and required no further action.

At 20:00 where the 'Create Post' option wasn't visible, this issue was caused as I'd deselected the menu in a previous demonstration and came as a result of having to use an existing learning log whilst I waited for the new learning log to be created. No student should ever be affected by this issue.

T‍ech Workshop: August 15th 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from August 15th.


This workshop opens with a demonstration of signing into your OCA email account, including separate processes for those who don't have and aren't signed into an existing Google account and those that do have and are signed into an existing Google account, and the benefits of using Google Chrome Profiles, before moving onto a Q&A segment with students in attendance.

Additional Notes


T‍ech Workshop: August 3rd 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from August 3rd.


This workshop opens with a demonstration of Panopto, discussing and demonstrating its various use cases, before moving onto a Q&A segment with students in attendance.

Additional Notes


T‍ech Workshop: August 3rd 2022

Available below is the TEL T‍e‍ch Workshop from May 11th.


In this week's TEL T‍ech Workshop, the session begins with a brief demonstration continuing from last week's workshop, discussing and demonstrating the process of adding HTML Anchors to blog posts, adding and editing categories and how to subsequently add them to your menu, using and embedding video and/or audio from Panopto or Google Slides, and finally migrating your learning log to upon completing your unit and/or degree. Following this demonstration, the workshop then progresses into a Q&A regarding various OCA facilities.

Additional Notes


Te‍ch Workshop: May 3rd 2022

Available below is the TEL Te‍ch Workshop from May 3rd.


This workshop opens with a demonstration of OCA Spaces, including the process of signing into OCA Spaces, creating a learning log and using either of the two available editors, before moving onto an OCA Spaces specific Q&A segment and later a wider OCA Q&A segment.

Additional Notes

1:09:00: Students can added anchor tags by following the same process as demonstrated in the recording - selecting the relevant block and the 'Advanced' dropdown menu, before adding an anchor name - and adding "#[AnchorName]" when creating the link.