Padlet Support & Guidance
Privacy Settings
Pre-existing Padlets available within the course materials on OCA Learn are available to all students studying the course, and all posts created within the Padlet are therefore visible to all other students.
For newly created student Padlets the privacy settings are now limited to 'org only', meaning that only OCA students and staff can view a Padlet when provided with a link to it. This means that it is no longer possible to embed new Padlets into learning log posts on OCA Spaces, instead it is recommended to use the Padlet's web address as a link within the learning log. You can do this by opening the Padlet and clicking on the share icon (arrow), then opening the 'links' tab and clicking 'Copy link to clipboard', or by copying the contents of the browser's address bar. To add the link to a learning log post in OCA Spaces, open the post in the editor, then highlight the portion of text you wish to use as a link, then in the pop-up toolbar select the link icon, paste the address in the following text box and then click the submit arrow towards the right side of the text box.
For Padlets created prior to this change, students are free to amend the privacy setting of their personal Padlets and can do so by selecting the ‘Share’ (Right point arrow), located in the upper right corner, followed by the ‘Change Privacy’ option and selecting a preferred option.