Google Support & Guidance

Creating & Joining a Google Meet

This sub-chapter contains information regarding how to create a Google Meet and join a Google Meet.

Create or schedule a Google Meet

To create or schedule a meeting using Google Meet, access the Google Meet application via the Google Apps Menu, as explained in the Google Homepage Interface chapter, and select the ‘New Meeting’ option. Upon selecting the option you’ll be able to schedule a meeting for a later time and date, start an instant meeting, or schedule a meeting using Google Calendar. 

Join a Google Meet

To join a meeting using Google Meet, the designated host will need to send you the joining information - either the Google Meet ID or PIN - whereby you can enter the Meet ID in the Google Meet interface or call the appropriate Google Meet Dial In number and enter the PIN. Alternatively and in the event the meeting was scheduled using Google Calendar, you can access the Google Calendar application via the Google Apps Menu - as explained in the Google Homepage Interface chapter - and select the scheduled appointment followed by the ‘Join with Google Meet’ option.

For more information and support using Google Meet, please visit the following Google Support page.