Google Support & Guidance

Google Groups

OCA uses Google Groups to facilitate student and teaching team discussion within both the course unit and degree pathway.

Accessing the Google Groups application via the Google Apps menu - as explained in the Google Homepage Interface chapter - students can view and respond to ongoing or start a new discussion. While not restricted, discussion may regard feedback or advice, course support or group work. In most, if not all cases, the degree pathway group is limited to announcements from the teaching team and students are unable to post or reply.

As opposed to accessing the Google Group, students can also use the group email address to respond or create discussion. The group email addresses will take the following format; 

Course Unit: [ShortCourseCode] For example, Creative Arts 1‍.1: Experience Creative Arts is,

Degree Pathway: BA[DegreeAbbreviation] For example, the Music Degree pathway is,

By default, all students will also receive emails sent to either group in their personal inbox, thus preventing the need to access the Google Group in order to view correspondence.