Google Support & Guidance

Google Drive

Included with your enrolment and accessible via your Google account, is a shared college-wide 100TB Google Drive cloud storage and use of the integrated Google applications.

Google Drive and the available cloud storage can be used to store and save files online which can be simultaneously accessed across multiple other devices, such as a smartphone, tablet or separate computer, and further shared with other collaborators.

The integrated Google Applications - Google Docs, Slides and Sheets - form Google Drive’s Office Suite, similar to Microsoft Office, and are also stored and accessible via Google Drive, where they too can also be simultaneously accessed across multiple devices, while offline and shared with collaborators.

For mobile and/or tablet users, you can also download the Google Drive application, freely available on iOS and Android, whereby you can access any files stored on Google Drive, including the ability to use any of the integrated Google Applications.

Where possible, the TEL Team strongly promotes and recommends the use of Google Drive and integrated applications, as opposed to Microsoft Office and OneDrive.