Assessment Schedule
How do these dates work?
The 'Unit completed by' is the date by which your unit needs to be recorded as complete in order to be eligible for assessment at a given assessment event.
After this date, we compile the list of eligible students and use this information to create the required spaces for you to upload your submissions, via the GDrive or the OCA Learn VLE. Your invitation to submit will be sent to you by no later than the 'Invitation to event by' date. Your invitation will take the form of an email, from the Assessment Team account - - and will confirm your method for submission - either the GDrive service or the OCA Learn VLE.
The latest date that work can be uploaded to these spaces (GDrive/OCA Learn) will be the 'Deadline for submission' date, and any submissions sent to us/uploaded/edited beyond this date will be subject to the appropriate penalties (see below).
Please note that those with GDrive folders will retain access after the deadline for submission.
Please also note that you will need to allow time for your student record to be updated to reflect that you have completed your unit. We would advise you to allow at least 14 days from when you submit your final piece of work to your tutor, and the 'Unit to be completed by' date. This will give your tutor time to send you the feedback and get your record updated.